
Friday, December 28, 2007

MyTips: Tips to write a book

MyTips: Tips to write a book

Do you think one has to be borned as a writer to be able to write a book? Well, I don't think so. Even, the so called born-to-be writer, will not be known as such if he/she doesn't take a pen and write or punch a keyboard! Skills and efforts must comes together and they could be developed. Perhaps, the following tips from my personal experiences could give you some guides to write your very own book.

  1. Draft Table of Content (TOC) first, don't try to crack your head for the title (yet)
  2. Jot down ideas immediately as they occurred - your PDA or "buku 555" is now your close friend
  3. Type as much as possible in your PC and not in your head!
  4. Read a lot. Observe others' writing styles
  5. Motivation and writing skills may comes naturally after your first book! "Writing ghost" will haunt you after, don't worry! Try as hard as possible to get your first book publish! Start writing something close to your heart first.
  6. Time is the biggest obstacle? Are you sure? Or perhaps, OWNSELF is the biggest obstacle.

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